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Indian River Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Our mission field is the ballfield … the dugout, court, pool, locker room, gym, trail, ocean, camp, classroom, sidewalk, restaurant, and all the places coaches and athletes go. We bring the Gospel — the love, hope, peace, and joy — of Jesus Christ to them. By God’s grace, we are making headway, seeing our community transformed by a singular message from our triune God. But we want to engage EVERY coach and athlete. Because every coach and athlete need Jesus and his church. And they need to be equipped and empowered to tell others. So, let us be blunt: there is no way we do this without participation from God’s people in Indian River County and across the Treasure Coast. His faithful pray, give, and serve. We invite you to participate by praying, giving money, and volunteering to help us reach every. Now we live!